Apura Services GmbH - Dienstleistungen rund um die Immobilie in Bonn und Berlin

Feel free to call us: 0228 - 227 221 11
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Ein Check der sich lohnt

  • Energy Performance Certificate. Since 2008, any new owner of a property may ask that the previous owner presents the Energy Certificate.We can issue the Energy Certificate for you

  • Health Check.The Health Check accommodates the requests of many buyers and can increase the value of your property. The check tests for mould, dangerous insects, chemical substances, radio- and electrosmog
  • Leakproofness Test of sewage pipes. The law requires that each home owner must be able to present a certificate proving that the sewage pipes have been examined and that they do not leak. This test has to be completed by 2015 and is already in effect in some local jurisdictions.